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Old 12-24-2017, 06:33 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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The reasons for that are that the government controls the taxing and it always is taxed on cost before coupons. And the reason for the remnant is that is is already discounted 50% as a remnant (on top of the sale price if it was on sale). So, basically it is a clearance items and they are not ever supposed to be included in coupons. That is different than a 'red tag' item, they MAY be included in coupons. And, I hear all the time about folks not being able to use a coupon because the item is on sale - IT IS STILL A DEAL BECAUSE IT IS ON SALE! But, most of us always know a couple items in the store that we want but don't need at that moment (kind of wish list things). If we have a 50% coupon and the things we need are on sale, we can treat ourselves to the special items. Having said that, I only buy things like bulk blades and other basic notions or supplies online. Between Amazon and Ebay, you can usually get a better deal if you know what you are buying and can find free shipping.
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