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Old 04-10-2008, 03:19 PM
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I'm not sure what to do and could use some advice. I have two sewing machines. One is my late step mothers a Singer, about 35yrs old. It's very temperamental and I've not really ever gotten the hang of sewing with that machine. My second machine is the one I use all the time. I've had it for three yrs. , paid under a hundred dollars for it and it's been a very good machine, for the money. It's a Europro. It's having a tension problem, which started when I was almost done machine quilting a small quilt. I'm going to have to pick out some of the quilting, because I can see that the tension was going haywire and I didn't notice.
Anyway, I'm just wondering if I should spend the money to get my cheapie machine fixed and my singer, tuned up, I really don't care for the Singer, or should I buy a new machine. If I buy a new machine, could I get a good machine with a deep throat for machine quilting for around $300.00 and if so, what would you ladies suggest that I look at buying. Tell me what you love about your machines or if you regret buying the machine that you have now. I'll be watching for your replies.
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