Thread: Crayola crayons
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Old 01-05-2018, 11:44 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Indiana
Posts: 176
Default Crayola crayons

have a question I was wondering about when you draw a picture on a quilt block and then color it with crayons. I know you have to heat set it. But how does it hold up when you wash it. kids quilts have to be wash a lot. Do you use a sealer or something. I found a nice picture I would like to use for a quilt
panel for my 8 month old grandson but Was wondering how well the coloring hold up durning
washings. Any one who has made a quilt block like this, I would like to hear from you on the way you
did it. Also if you have used colored pencil how did you do it and which is the best to use. I have seen
the thread on this but washing is never discussed. thank you for all your help. Love this board and the people here
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