Old 01-15-2018, 03:24 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 139

Cheesehead - your straight layout looks great!
Joe's Mom - Each layout you've tried looks good in different ways. I am zero help making decisions - it took me forever to decide how to finish.

In the end I went with Bonnie's layout but instead of piecing the setting triangles I used a constant fabric and cut 5" strips (then just used a ruler w/a 45º angle so I could sew the pieced brown unit). I am still planning to do some version of Ringo Lake in citrus color solids but will definitely de-lumpify some of the units.

I kind of wish I would have finished like this one I saw on FB but didn't see it until I was well under way. (hopefully the link will work)
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1212211322244140&set=gm.10329371335 22254&type=3&theater&ifg=1

A weekend spent sewing and pressing twisted, lumpy seams into submission, my top is finished and I am glad. I hope to have it quilted by next weekend so I can start something with very large pieces.
I would *love* to see the back of one of Bonnie's quilts. Mine back is a hot mess; I know no one sees it but lumps like this that make me want to use a poly batting to absorb the lumpiness.

I like the Mystery process - picking fabrics, trying to solve the mystery layout before the reveal, and especially seeing everyone's versions - so much creative cleverness.
This is the 3rd year I've done her mystery and, for some reason this one wore me out.
I don't remember En Provence or Allietare having so many seams fighting each other. I might change my mind in November but I am thinking of sitting the next one out. I will probably download all the Clues though - just in case.

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