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Old 01-21-2018, 04:08 PM
boykinsmommy's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: New England
Posts: 80

I will not be washing this quilt. I will pre-wash any fabrics I use but I will not take that chance with the quilt. Actually it looks like too much washing has been the culprit for this quilt, not washed and cared for. Most people don't know how to do that, which is why I always give a care instruction sheet for everything I make. Thankfully it is very clean but honestly, I don't even think it would truly hold up to anymore washing.
I am going to replace the backing and binding and then some borders in the quilt that are just basic strips. Once that is done, I will see how far we have gotten and go from there with them. I did forget to mention that yes, I just go over existing fabrics. I don't rip out any, just replace and hand stitch it into place. Thankfully for the strip piecing I can sew that right down because the backing is virtually non-existent so I'm just attaching it to the batting. Also thankful the batting is intact and in really great shape. That was a good point. If I am ever giving a quilt that would need new batting beyond a fusible patch, there is no way I would take that job. That would require way to much pulling apart. Nope, and If I did, you better believe I would charge...that's HUGE!!!

I do keep a log of all my hours on projects for people so yay! That was good to read too. I have to have some way to bill them honestly and I bought a little notebook and I keep track of all potential and existing client project details, fabrics used, where purchased, etc and then I log in and out with date and time. It has been a fantastic thing to do.
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