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Old 03-06-2018, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by mjpEncinitas View Post
Do any of you have a 90 degree triangle ruler with the other two angles the same (45). An isosceles triangle ruler for those who are math inclined. This is the triangle usually always used in quilting.

Do you use this ruler much? Something like this one:

do you use this much?

i bought 3 1/2, 6 1/2 inch squares. I have 12 1/2 and 4 1/2. Just wondering if a triangle ruler is worthwhile.
I seldom use specialty rulers, but I wouldn't be without triangles. There's very little you can't do with a basic 24" x 6" ruler.

Triangles save me a lot of time and (sometimes) stress. In high school my favorite subject was geometry, and that has helped a lot with piecing.

IMO, most quilters know a lot more math than they think they do, probably because they just don't think of it that way. If you ever thought "girls can't be good at math," it's probably had a lasting effect on you. As I get older I find I've forgotten a lot, but I'm still very stubborn about what women can do.

The triangle rulers I use a lot are Easy Angle and Companion Angle. "Easy" cuts HST's from strips. "Companion" cuts QST's from strips. The traditional method cuts both from larger squares, a real nuisance, IMO.

Good luck with finding the ones you like, and beware of any that seem to promise miracles. For example, a lady at my favorite LQS told me you can't cut a 30 degree angle without a special ruler that costs about $30. You probably know 30 degrees is just the other side of the 60 degree line. lol
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