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Old 03-19-2018, 07:43 PM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Olympia, Washington
Posts: 38


The upper right block is finished, working on the other 4 of the same block. Advice: Notice that the pattern calls for batiks, which have no right or wrong side, and if you use regular fabric you need to make marks on the wrong side, and of course all piecing is done right sides together. Cut all the pieces and label them carefully. Do 1/4" seams as exactly as you can. Read ever so carefully each step, looking at the pictures as you go. It was comical how many seams I ripped out - as I said, good thing I love ripping seams out. Finally turned off my audio book to finish with my full attention. It's fun and not difficult if you pay attention.
Attached Thumbnails upper-right-block.jpg   grays.jpg   white.jpg  
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