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Old 04-12-2018, 08:45 AM
Janice McC
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Klaws, I’m sorry to hear it’s taking longer than you expected to sell. You are right, some people will keep bargaining and pushing to an unreasonable extent. I hope you soon find a buyer who sees the value in your home so you can move on. In the meantime, be sure to keep on checking in with us and let us know how things progress. The Booms will be around for a while.
Originally Posted by klaws View Post
I have been lurking and reading every day. I am really discouraged with the sell of my mobile. I put it on the market in January and was hoping to already be in Ohio by now. Unfortunately I haven't had any offers. People want something for nothing! I've been putting off joining in any swaps because I wasn't sure if I would have time or where I would be. I didn't want to be unable to fulfill my obligation. I missed this boom because of it and not sure if I will be able to join in the next one. I already have my fabric ready.

Anyway, I love all of the blocks that everyone have made so far. I'm anxious to see the finished products. Maude, I love your layout and will keep that in mind for the future.
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