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Old 04-15-2018, 03:28 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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Oh, no. I hardly trust couriers anymore, especially with sewing machines. When possible I prefer to pick a machine locally and it's safer to have it in the back of the car. There are a few posts on how to pack a machine, the standard seems to be loads of bubble wraps, styrofoam and double casing. Loose items like pedal and accessories should be wrapped too. Buyer has to inform sender in detail, it happens all the time; it's mentioned in blogs and web posts regularly.

There are posts and tutorials on how to replace the felt wick, but you can manually oil the hook and race until you get a chance to do it. It works just as well, but has to be done a bit more frequently. The turorial is for an older 66, and your 99 is about the same but with a lift up lever for the bobbin case release. You don't have to unscrew anything for cleaning and oiling, and it can be quite a bit of fuzz to get it back together again, when you unscrew the lever or bracket holding it all in place, the parts under the bobbin case starts to float around and they have to be adjusten just so to not interfere with thread tension. Luckily there are tutorials for this as well as the service manual, but it requires a bit of read up and it's a bit of a test and trial situation. It's with in a DIY repair, just make sure you are up for it, and if you replace the wick all these parts have to come out.

Last edited by Mickey2; 04-15-2018 at 03:38 AM.
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