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Old 04-24-2018, 09:32 AM
Rhonda K
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Default Pivot Function on Sewing Machines

This post is about the "pivot" function on some machines. I have a BL Crescendo and a Brother Dream. These features on similar on both machines.

On the main page of machine there are 4 buttons near left bottom of screen. Here is my description of each one for those that are new to these machines.

The Upside Down "U" button does a back tack.

The scissors will cut the thread when done stitching.

The button with the image of a pressure foot with needle in center is the "pivot" function. It keeps the needle down so you can "pivot" or turn the fabric.

The last button with a red line (looks like a pointer) is the laser light. There are two ways to use this feature. I just press it on and it "points" where the seam is going to stitch.

There is also a way to move the laser pointer.

Hope these tips help!

Rhonda K
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