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Old 02-15-2010, 09:47 PM
kay carlson
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Posts: 857

The name is Jones. Although only two years of age, I hold down the fulltime responsibility of supervising two humans.
They call themselves Mom and Dad.

At night, I enter my own little kingdom of Pack 'N Play ( a playpen) at the foot of their bed. One end has been clipped out so I have full control to come and go as I please.

My furnishings include a rag rug lining the bottom of the pen, large bed pillow repurposed and covered with a manly plaid fannel pillow case, doggy quilt Mom made just for me, a felted sweater, and a few toys. Sometimes I rest my head on Fuzzie Bear. Dad likes to step on my sqeaky toys on the living/ dining room floors so I usually have to take one to bed with me just to quiet Dad up!!

When I was a little shih tzu new on the job location, I did not have the netting clipped out of one end of the Pack 'N Play. Since I have matured and gained more on the job experience, I can come and go as I like. I had put up with the boundaries my humans set up, and didn't bother them until they were ready to get up.

They think they are the Pack Leaders just because I have never (right, never) been on top of their bed. You and I know who's The Boss :-)

"Sew" long for now------- Jones
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