Thread: Metal roof?
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Old 05-10-2018, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Ginaky View Post
We had a metal roof put on when we built our house 17 years ago. And we have a lot of trees. Honestly, our cellphone is no problem--older phones were but the newer ones have no problems getting reception. And we live miles and miles from a cell tower. Ours came with a 50 year warranty, which is a lot better than shingles. And snow doesn't lay on it long like it does with shingles. As soon as it starts warming a little, the snow starts sliding off--real fun when you are coming up the steps and it slides down the back of your coat! If we had it to do over, we would stay with the metal roof.
But when you're sleeping in an attic bedroom and that snow lets loose, it sounds like a freight train coming through the roof!
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