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Old 05-31-2018, 04:47 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Davenport, Iowa
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Default Keeping track of orders

Living in a town with only two outlets for fabric and sewing items (JoAnns and Walmart) I've realized that for the majority of things ordering online is the way to go. And I do it more than I realize. Sometimes when my husband brings the mail in I'm surprised to get several orders in a day that have forgotten about. They can be anywhere from $5 at the lowest to $100 at the very highest. Of course the majority are paid by debit card from my own account, a few on credit card. There was a time when printing out receipts from my computer was the thing to do....but I think there were a few trees killed in the process.
So how to keep track of what is ordered?? Yesterday a notebook was started so that each time an item is ordered, it's written down. Company name, item, order number and amount spent, debit or credit. When the items comes in, I'll put a check mark by it in the notebook. This allows me to see how much I've spent in a month/ or where a certain item is from should I need more.
How to you keep track...or do you??
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