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Old 09-04-2018, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by SusieQOH View Post
Sometimes I have to trick myself or do something kind of silly to stay on track. One thing I do is brush and floss after dinner so that I won't be tempted to eat something at night and then have to do it all over again.
I read somewhere that the minty-ness sends a signal to your brain that "dinner is over". It does seem to help!

I was down 1.4 pounds on Monday. Yay! I'm beginning to think I may not have been eating enough, because I purposely ate a few extra zero-point foods last week to see if it made a difference. It might just be a coincidence, but so far it seems to have gotten the scale moving downwards again. Maybe my "starving" feeling a few days ago was my body saying, "Hey, let's get some food down here, woman!"

I'm going to try making yogurt in my Instant Pot soon. I've become obsessed with yogurt. LOL! The individual containers are adding up, cost-wise, plus all that plastic can't be good for the environment. (We don't have recycling readily available here.) Hope my homemade yogurt turns out!

I'm also going to try to drink more water, even though water grosses me out. (I guzzled a gigantic cup of it once when I was a kid -- the cup was literally as big as my head! -- and it made me soooo sick.) I can tolerate sipping it with lemon in it, though. Hubby and I both drink waaaay too many carbonated beverages. Mine are the diet store brand versions, but DH loves his name-brand Cherry Dr. Pepper. With tax, it's over $5 for a 12-pack around here, and he easily goes through two 12-packs a week. He said he's going to try to drink more water, too.

Hope everyone else had a great week!
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