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Old 10-30-2018, 04:14 AM
craftdiva's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
Posts: 50

I make fidget lap quilts that go to variety of nursing care facilities. They want the ties as they can use them to keep the lap quilt on their lap. They tie them to the chair they are sitting in-often wheelchairs. When I put the good sides together to sew it together, I insert the ties between the two layers before I sew it and turn it inside out. I don’t do the traditional quilt method. I double stitch where the ties are as well. Then turn it right side out. I’ve already added the embellishments for them to fidget with so I top stitch around the entire quilt to keep it in place. Sometimes I also do it like a tie quilt. Hope that helps. Not quite what you were asking for but maybe it will give you some ideas on how to attach them.
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