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Old 11-06-2018, 05:35 PM
Garden Gnome
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 594

When I come upon something that looks easy but isn't, I tend to try to master it just to prove something to myself.

Now I'm not saying I have mastered FMQ, but I can do a few things. It is kind of nerve wracking, and if the machine is skipping stitches or you aren't able to control the speed just right, it can be close to h@!!.

If you are determined to do it to satisfy your own …(in my case, ego)...pride, then work to see what is happening that makes the boo boos. It's probably mechanical, not human error.
If your pride is not driving your discontent, then you can do straight line quilting and have fewer meltdowns. And beautiful quilts.
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