Old 02-19-2010, 06:22 PM
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My step-daughter leaves to start university this coming fall. My DH will help me move into her room. My sewing room is only a slightly smaller footprint than her BR, but hers is a better layout, door/windows/closet. Also, we are gradually redoing all the floors in the house with under-floor heat, so we have to empty the room anyway for that project. We will turn my current SR into a guest room, so there will always be a bed for any of the kids to come visit.

When my folks sold the house I grew up in...about 6 or 7 yrs after I had moved out, I cried!!! Part of letting go of the childhood nostalgia, I suppose. Then when my sister and her DH were house hunting a few years ago, their realtor called to say she had the "perfect" house for them to look at. When she gave them the address, my sister laughed....it was our childhood home!!! No, they didn't buy it....my BIL felt it might be too hard for her to see how it had changed. They did find their perfect house, and had about 2 1/2 yrs to work on updating it before his cancer came back....and he lost a 20 year battle. But my DS is very happy there with the memories they made there together.

This has been a fun thread to read...and helpful for me to move forward with my SR "upgrade" next fall without feeling guilty....well, not too much anyway. ;)

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