Old 11-27-2018, 01:14 PM
Maureen NJ
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Morris Plains, NJ
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I had a high efficiency washing machine for 2 weeks about 10 years ago and hated it. They took it back and I bought a top loader with agitator, large capacity, non high efficiency. HE had too little water and spun so hard to get the water out that it left wrinkles. Hated it. I also like to soak things and you need lots of water that will stay in the tub to do that!! I can do matellase and large comforters in it. King I would probably take to the laundromat.

Back to about the soaking. FYI. Many years ago we were ready to sit down to eat a holiday meal when someone spilled a glass of milk. It went underneath the table pads. We had to undo the table and put things under the pads. Anyways, since that time, I always put a sheet of heavy plastic under the tablecloth on top of the table pads. After everyone leaves, I take Dawn dish detergent (mixed with a small amount of water) and use an old toothbrush and scrub any stains. Then I put it in the washing machine filled with cold water, agitate about 15- 30 seconds and then let it soak overnight. Works great. No stains and don’t have to use bleach.
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