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Old 01-03-2019, 08:42 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: SW Washington USA
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we have tweener weiners...14 pounders.
One has always had to watch his weight, the other seems to self regulate just right even though his is less active

We did the Canin for a number of years 1/8 cup w/1 hard boiled egg split, canned beans or carrots morning.
1/8 cup w/nice spoon of non-fat cottage cheese, canned beans or carrots nights.

we are lucky to have the Farm Dog Bakery here, and use the small bones, or 1/2 a small bone for good behavior treats, with moderation. Wonderful place, the owner employs down syndrome young folk as staff, packaging, cutting out with cookie cutters, etc.

As Xaviers teeth have parted company with his mouth in place of the canin we've switched to Taste of the Wild canned food in a wide assortment of flavors. Pacific Salmon in gravy is the current can (maybe 8-10 cubits?) per meal. I can't remember without actually dishing some up There is no grain in it. We like the Blue brand also. Buy it at Tractor Supply when on sale.

Good luck working things out. My boys were puppy mill throwaways (literally, dumped up here) as adults so each day is training day still 12 years later, and in many respects they are better behaved than some of the hand raised puppy dogs we've had over the years.

but as they've aged there have been some teeth loss (we get them cleaned every year).
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