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Old 01-21-2019, 04:54 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: St.Augustine, Florida
Posts: 206

My sister and I,and several cousins have gotten pretty heavy into the family ancestry. I find it amazing that I can find news paper articles of things happening in the family that we've heard our parents talk about. as in : had a cousin that went off an icy bridge with her 4 children,all 5 drowned, found her and the kids grave sites, found a cousin had deceased is why I can't find her, I could spend days on the computer searching ,as we came from a big family on both parents sides of families. Had a cousin that was a history teacher in Miami ,never knew I had. He traced our family tree and lots of history and put into a book like history book,he died before he got it finished, so an aunt finished it for all 78 of us grandchildren ! my mother had 11 siblings!
absolutely it.
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