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Old 01-30-2019, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Tothill
Makes me question the veracity of the tests.
Or maybe our level of understanding DNA and how it works.

I've always been curious about DNA tests ever since I read about a woman who was about to lose custody of her children (can't remember the reason) because her DNA did not match theirs. Her ex-husband was even in her corner, saying he had watched them come out of her body. Finally it was discovered that she was a genetic chimera; she had 2 different sets of DNA in her body because (they think) she had absorbed a twin in utero. Her uterine DNA was different than her oral DNA. Scientists claim it is a rare condition, but how do they know? It's only been in the last 5 years that DNA testing has become commercially available. We don't know what we don't know.
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