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Old 04-01-2019, 08:11 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,063

Last year at this time I had to go no caffeine at all for 6-9 months to prove to my sleep doctor that it didn't impact my sleep. Since then I've changed sleep doctors, this one says just cut off before noon. I haven't had caffeine after noon for decades. Mostly I'm a tea drinker but I've always liked what I call "golden" coffees, like Kona and Costa Rican. Although I've lived in Seattle since before the original Starbucks, I've always found their blends to be oily and over roasted.

I really like my tea English style, strong and I prefer milk and sugar. While I used to drink hot tea straight (and still drink iced tea without anything), I started adding milk in my 20s because I wanted more dairy in my diet and now it's an acquired taste. Unfortunately, my diabetes now doesn't allow sugar, and my intestines don't like artificial sweeteners at all, and I find the tea with milk rather insipid...

On the other hand, coffee with milk and no sugar is just fine with me! But here's the big confession, I'm drinking Tasters Choice instant I buy at Costco because I have no counter space for a coffee pot and the 2 big mugs I drink each day aren't worth the counter space.

You know how Sheldon on the Big Bang offers a hot beverage? That's what my instant coffee is, a hot coffee flavored beverage with milk.
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