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Old 05-16-2019, 07:41 AM
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by Glassquilt View Post
We had a house fire - lost 20% to fire and all the rest to smoke. They striped everything down to the studs, painted them to control/stop the odor and then rebuilt. Everything else salvageable was sent to professional cleaners.

If your insurance covers it, let the pros do the cleaning.
I hate to dig up a very old thread, and I'm sorry for barging in on a forum like this (I admit, I have no interest in quilting). I was Googling for smoke smell after a fire and found this thread, and then that picture... I'm hoping that Glassquilt sees this and can give an update. Did the smell come back? If so, was it properly addressed or did you just have to live with it?

We had a major fire last July while we were on vacation in Europe. We came home to a standing structure, but 100% interior loss. Every single builder said it was better to tear it down... but the insurance company decided it was economical to repair. Right now, our house looks like your picture. They've removed all the drywall and everything down to the studs and they've "painted" everything with that product. At first, I was impressed as I couldn't smell the smoke at all! But yesterday I came into the home and as I went down the stairs... there it was. Not strong, but distinct and noticeable. I worry that already (and its only been a month since it was applied) that the sealant isn't doing its job, or otherwise the workers who have cut through it (electricians, plumbers, etc) have released that smell. And is that going to forever be a problem? Some years from now, if I drive a screw into the wall to hang a painting, am I going to be releasing that awful odor?

Again, I'm sorry for this post. I'm just looking for someone that went through a similar experience to get me an idea of what I can expect.
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