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Old 02-23-2010, 11:24 PM
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Forest Grove,OR
Posts: 6,400

Originally Posted by grammo013
I was finally diagnoised three years ago, after being told I had everthing and nothing for more than 20 years.

The itching is not confined to one spot. But when it itches it is impossible to stop.

Having a flare up this week caused by having cataract surgery. So guess the next three weeks will be bad before they get my other eye done. I am in pain all the time. They have me on cymbalta, effexor cr, and ms contin and i do fell better than I have in years.

Nothing helps the sleep problem. Exausted all the time but still cannot sleep most nights. The memory is the worst. I can forget the simplist of things yet I know that I know them. About an hour later I remember.

Shoes make my feet hurt, socks are a nono. Wear cotten clothes so that if I sweat it doesn't stay on body and make me itch.

Allergic to almost all meds (especially lyrica). Have joined curves to try to get some exercise. Bought a new bike and thqt didn't work at all. to tired to hold it up, legs hurt worst then ever.

People do not understand because we look normal. I just do what needs to be done as I am able to. Limit things to a 15 min period and usually make it doe 10 min. But I am breathing and I Thank God for that everyday all day.

Linda D MI
My Doc put me on trazadone for sleep, I take up to 300mg at bed time, this works most of the time, but there are still times my husband gets up to go to work and ask what am I still doing up, sometime the man frustrates me to no end, you think after being married 28 yrs he wouldent have to ask.
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