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Old 02-24-2010, 02:58 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: NW Wa
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Hello Honey,
Such a blessing to me to see you speak out for alternative Medicine. I am 110% for it. Saliva and blood test will tell a lot if the DR is trained in what to look for. V-D is a huge thing for the health of your body. Fror bones and muscels. And a lot of people are lacking in the right amounts of minerals.
You are so blessed to find a DR who thinks outside the box too.
I had 2 breast cancers in one breast and then later a melonma on my foot. All was healed all with diet changes and herbs.
The Dr said just cut the boob off, what my husband said. If you have a head ache you just cut your head off? No you figure out why you have the head ache. Well you figure out why you have cancer that is growing in your body. Everyone has cancer cells, just some do not grow. I could go on but said enough. Just want to thank you for your post. I go to the reg Dr then call my alternative Dr and ask what I need to do. We do need reg DR's to set bone's etc but most push to many pills and then the side effects are worse than the symtom that you had to begin with. I hear all the side effects and no way? I know there are some that do help, I'd just rather not take the chance. Blessings to you.
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