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Old 02-24-2010, 01:56 PM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 14

Please try this: After suffering for years, five of my friends have no symptons of fibromyalgia after NAET treatments. You can find practioners all over the world. It is an alternative medical treatment for allergies. I am so excited. I have had all the symptons mentioned here for about 10 years since moving into a new house. The chemicals triggered fibro. Since being on the NAET treatments I have gone off my thyroid medicine, with the doctors help, and am able to function better, sleep better and best of all, think better. I just had to respond to this topic, I know how devastating this can be, I had to put life on hold and now I am enjoying things I thought I never would be able to do again! Look it up on the internet for a doctor near you!
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