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Old 02-24-2010, 04:21 PM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 14

Thanks for the welcome, I am a veteran addict, third generation, raised under the quilt stands, true quilting fanatic. It is so interesting to read about other quilters and their fibro experiences. NAET is kind of weird, but so many people have been helped, including me, that I am going to stick with it. I didn't think I had allergies at all. I am not allergic to pollens, grasses, weeds, obvious allergens, but very allergic to foods, chemicals. Also, like another commenter, I was even allergic to my husband. NAET treatments have evolved. I traveled to a lady that used accupuncture and avoidance.( you had to avoid the allergen for 24 hours.) She charged $70 a visit. A chiropractor in my town certified for NAET and does not use needles or avoidance. His fee is $30. If you try the treatments, plan on at least 20 treatments. It's not that bad if you think of people who get allergy shots every month for the rest of their lives. You can't put a price on getting your life back! I was surprised to see how many NAET clinics there are around the country.
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