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Old 07-11-2019, 05:24 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,164

Can't afford to send out and I don't have the access to my friend's long arm that I once did. While in some areas the $100 I'm willing to pay may get a top completed, it won't get me much around here and I know I would charge more than that myself! My favorite part of the process is piecing and I've always had completed tops that weren't yet completed quilts but it is starting to stack up. I've gotten better with my quilting but it is a major stumbling block for me in terms of design, I just don't think in those ways and I really admire those that do.

I have a better/modern/deep throat sewing machine now than my old vintage workhorse and can do up to twin sized ok. I could do queen I suppose but it's hard on my physically and the only place I have to layout or sandwich the quilt top is my queen sized bed.

I'm going to be putting an ad in Craig's List looking to share a home quilter's set-up, maybe a couple days a month for a year or so. Of course I would pay for all my materials and I am willing to contribute towards the upkeep of the machine (ie, I am willing to pay) but I'm hoping for a mutually beneficial solution, like maybe someone travels a lot and I can house sit while I quilt. I don't have the space in my small house for a set up, even if I had the funds

There are any number of people who have bought them and don't use them as much as they thought they would, or found they didn't like the business aspects. I know some of you love to quilt and don't like to piece so much... if I just found someone who would quilt down my donation tops they could donate them to whoever they pleased. Sigh, wouldn't it be lovely to find my BFF quilting partner? A girl can dream!

BTW, one kind person on the boards offered to help me baste my tops together, thank you again -- that was so kind!

There is one machine in the general area for rent that I know about. You do have to take a class first, don't mind that. But sometimes my health isn't as good as other days and I need to be a little more flexible. I can't necessarily make a day long appointment in advance and actually be up to it on that day.
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