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Old 07-24-2019, 06:13 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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I use a wider binding than most, but most of my quilts are queen sized and it is the last chance I have to add fabric. So I am almost always using a 3" cut for my french double fold continuous bias binding. Typically I also use thicker batts than are currently popular. When you fold the fabric in half, that makes it 1.5", subtract the .5" for the seam allowance and that gives you 1" which is a half inch on either side and a nice full binding.

I sew on my binding after the quilt is quilted but before it is trimmed. Before I quilted I already squared the quilt top. Using the standard 1/4" seam, I measure 1/2" above the seam line (so 1/4" above the top fabric but including the batting and back) and trim.

Recently I've been trying not pressing my binding in half before putting it on. Doesn't seem to make much difference to me.
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