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Old 02-24-2010, 10:39 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: mid tennessee
Posts: 489

I am a pain sufferer also along with my mom, sister, and gm who has passed but she suffered terrible with it. Stress is a huge trigger. I have never felt well even as a child. I have always felt like I have been beaten by something. My sis was the same way. She relies on all the medication to help manage it. My mom and myself stay very active, exercise and watch our diets. We manage the pain that way. My friends tease me about being an exercise freak but it helps me so much. If I don't move about I get so stiff and sore. I saw my gmother struggle and she was addicted to pain medication and nerve medication for her whole life, she was bedridden when she passed. It was so sad to see her like that. I went to a support meeting for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, there were people who were wheelchair bound from it. I refuse to let it take hold of me like that, so I stay as active as I can to help manage it. The only medication that seemed to help me was Celebrex, Meds are so expensive I can't afford them. Exercise is pretty inexpensive so that's how I manage. It doesn't take the pain away completely but I feel so much better than I ever have. I run and kickbox about 6 days a week. Pilates and yoga helps too. I know a lot of people that can't even stand the thought of exercise with the pain they are in but for me it is my medicine. My heart goes out to all of you who have this pain syndrome it is no fun but you know the other medicine that helps me too is quilting. I am a hand quilter and it helps me destress.
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