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Old 02-24-2010, 11:39 PM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 7

After reading all the posts I see that many of you suffer alot of things I am. The fiber fog is horrrible. I ake dilaudid for pain and it is one of the strongest pain pill you can possibly get and I wish I didn't have to. I take Zanaflex because flexeril does nothing for me. I have COPD, Diabetes, IBS, Lupus, and other medical problems and on 16 meds. I take pills for depression too. I am lucky to sleep 3 hours at a time. I can not sleep for anything. My legs are bad. I have to use the scooters to shop. I walk with a cane too. My legs get spasms severe, burning and painful feet, back , name it. I just got SSI through as there is no way I can work. I never know what tomorrow will bring and can not even try to make plans because I may be down that day. I try to watch what I do to prevent pain. Walking is painful and I use to be a very active person and it is hard when I spend 75% of my time home in the recliner or my hospital bed. I do better in the summer. But I try to keep moving. My three children are 20 year old has FMS too but is doing great! I love spending time with my grands (Got a new baby girl three days ago!)..and my faith in God keeps me going. He is with me and helps me through those days when otherwise I would give up. Prayer helps! Thanks to those with suggestions as I have learned alot from those of you with advice! Quilting is my second love, I love it! When my legs get me down.I get quilting! :)
In Ohio
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