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Old 02-26-2010, 02:05 AM
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Gowen, OK
Posts: 49

I continue to read all the comments, as a fellow suffer, list to long to go into right now. 18 diffeent meds plus an occasional round of steroids, which I refuse to take ona permenant basis. My younger sister also has RA, etc... she is 8 1/2 years younger than I and I've watched all the crap the doctors have put her through over the years, four different surgeries on her feet to remove growths some even had blood vessels growing in them, which no one ever seemed to be able to explain. We also watched our mother go thru this with the exception that mom just gave up and over medicated. Found her in her home one morning . But i have watced my sister go thru the stuff the steroids did to her and I want nothing to do with it. I changed dr.s recently and thank GOD that he is trying everything slowly one step at a time, not just massive changes and come back in 6 months. some days i just want to stop taking everything and see what would happen, but i know better, under some control is better than nothing. I have pictures of a car accident that i was in in1995. was in ICU 15 days, broke everything from neck to waist except spine and crushed several of those, when I'm having my worst days I get these pics out and look at them and thank GOD that I do hurt, that i can still do anything and for my wonderful husband and three children who are very supportive and irritating at the same time they have a cow when i forget my phone when i leave the house, i have noticed that no one has mentioned bladder control, and very few IBS's, and the one thing that REALLY< REALLY bites my better half and myself is our personal life is has taken a major nose dive because of my problems .
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