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Old 02-26-2010, 06:49 AM
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will have to come back and read more later, bc unfortunately for me, one of the bad things about fibro...and they're all bad :cry: , is my sleep is so not stage 4, restful sleep, I fall asleep at the drop of a hat during the day.
I can usually fight it off, but we all know how miserable that is, the blink, blink, blinking, the head drooping every so many seconds...I can do this for quite a while before i must "jar" to keep from falling and wake up just enough to go get some water and move around.
You want to go crawl in your bed and shut the world off, but unfortunately I have all kinds of gastro. problems too, and cannot lay down in the daytime at all.
For me, fibromyalgia is like having the flu without the fever.
It is like a sunburn all over, and my neck and shoulders are the worst. Sometimes the lower back and hips really flare up.
I have a lot of trouble with my legs and feet and a lot of stress/tension headaches.
It adds to my irritable bowl syndrome.
There are foods that are inflammatories for me: onions, garlic, corn, ascorbic acid containing foods and SUGAR!
Sugar really exxacerbates my pain and I can't touch artificial sweetners. They are made from corn and corn just whammies me.
Eat corn and chocolate on the same day? and my lips and face swell.
Oh and the itching from the ascorbic acid (vitamin C)...that has been a lifelong thing that runs in my family on my dad's side...and there is a mild rash, but that adds to the whole puffy, achey thing too, head to toe.
You feel like the Staypuft marshmallow man a lot.
I get cold in my bones, is what I call it. Not just the, oh lets put on a sweater cold, but a deep down, chilled through and through kind of thing.
Lots of water helps with the histamines my body throws out as a reaction to the foods and environment, but then I freeze.
Heating pad and rice bags that you heat in microwave help a lot.
I daydream about being in a tub of very warm water, up to my neck, but I don't do it, bc it is so hard to sit down and to get back up.
Almost takes an act of congress.
I take Cymbalta but not able to take enough to help.
I am already a little heavy so don't want to try the Lyrica.
I take two extra strength Tylenol, three times a day, bc I can't tolerate narcotics.
And i suffer. It affects my mood, my diet, my sleep, my sleep, my sleep...which affects my energy and what I do and don't feel like doing in the daytime.
I get a lot of exercise from yawning :wink:
Exercise - walking my dog, helps.
Abstaining from foods that aggravate helps, and then I get anemic, so I rotate, take iron every day and cut vitamins and take every other day, bc vitamins taken too often aggravate too, but in the right, scheduled amount seem to help.
You have to make yourself get up and move around, eat well, stay on a routine with your sleep schedule and keep down the stress. Cold aggravates, sitting too long will aggravate, standing/moving too long aggravates...but stay away from the sugar.
It is proven to bring down the immune system and fibromyalgia is an immune system disorder.
zzzz...time to move :wink:
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