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Old 10-16-2019, 02:50 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Washington
Posts: 855

Originally Posted by quilt9226 View Post
I joined Bluprint in its "infancy" and it was worth the money the first year. I sampled a lot of classes which was a great way to decide whether or not to watch the entire class or make the project. I probably will not renew because I would rather be sewing than watching a video class. I must admit that a video class appeals to me because I can be in my pajamas and I do not need to lup my sewing machine and stuff to a class. I have so many unfinished quilts and projects that I nt to finish and so my time would be better spent sewing.
Oh I hear you for certain. I think my reason for contemplating joining is to get myself back into the quilting groove. I've burned out on the choices I've been watching on You Tube and was enjoying the few courses I bought on Craftsy so a Bluprint subscription might be an obvious leap, of course coupled with the perk of a shiny new quilt kit that they would throw in. And it didn't hurt that I was getting constantly "spammed" to join, via ads on various social media. I also have been through the ringer on a private matter and needed something to reward myself for what was otherwise a very thankless task. Soooo.

If I give myself enough time, I'll probably get over the interest in joining and will move on to some other obsession, ha-ha.
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