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Old 11-23-2019, 10:09 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,107

I'd really love to see some of the packs acquired from quilt shops and such. That seems like it would be such a fun box to get...

If there is anyone still on the fence and who would like the paint chips, I have one set I can send. But part of the fun for some of us is making what we have available work and as you can see we have some wide interpretations of the existing colors and fabrics. All I know about mine is that it will be bright. And the colors won't run! What I saw as potential in the bag of fabric was a very masculine and bold wide log cabin in browns and greens, as it turns out the fabrics for this project are really the leftovers from that initial idea.

Doing this sort of project with this sort of fabric is a huge step for me, usually I am pretty control freak in my projects. I run mystery projects more than I do them! But on the other hand, I donate more tops than I gift or keep, so the worst case is that some one is kept warm and that is not a bad outcome at all. Other than my time and effort and a few supplies, I'm only out a few bucks with these hand-dyes. I'd be a lot more control freaky if I was paying $14/yard for my fabric!

I also have the luxury of time to sew with very few other demands put on me and this project came along at a good time so I expect I'll be doing the steps as released, but the nice thing is that nobody sets our schedules but us. You can wait and see and do it later and chances are there will still be other people doing it about the same pace as whatever you set for yourself. Or you may just wish to put your time into other projects entirely, but still come in and check out what happens as the year progresses.
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