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Old 11-27-2019, 10:55 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 251
Default Thinking about getting a serger

I have recently taken to making pouches (so cute) and perhaps later larger bags (maybe) and the one thing I notice is that I am not happy with leaving those unfinished edges. I have tried running the zig zag along the edges, and it helps, but just doesn't look as neat as using a cut surged seem.

I have never touched a serger in my life, and just checked Amazon on pricing. It seems one of the cheaper and popular models is the Brother 1034 D which currently goes for $184 on Amazon. I have watched some videos on using it now on YouTube. I could also purchase a used serger from and look for an older better made one (though risky) and spend maybe $45 to maybe $75 including shipping. But I would have to secure a manual, and it could have problems.

I don't want to spend a lot of money on this, as this will not get very much use, as my main focus is quilting (hence considering a used one)

Can anyone who has some experience with sergers give me any advise as to what direction I should go and perhaps some recommendation on what serger to look at.
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