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Old 12-14-2019, 10:04 AM
Still Sew N
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2018
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 331

The very best iron I ever purchased was a Eurosteam iron. I bought it at a quilt show over 7 years ago for $200. That iron gets very hot. You apply steam and you get crazy hot directed steam. You can make your fabric do whatever you want that fabric to do with that iron. The downside is that the instructions clearly indicated I was to drain the water each and every time I was done with the iron. Since I always thought I'd be sewing more....later in the day.... I would not drain it. And its easy, just turn on the steam until she runs out. So now the iron needs serious cleaning, something I should have been doing all along, I just didn't. The other downside is that she uses up water quickly when you run the steam wide open or pretty much all open. The instructions state you must wait for the iron to cool off before adding more water. Now I just use it for bindings because I can press the heck out of the bindings and they are straight and true and the mitered corners look really good and the press stays put, its just that great of an iron. It also takes about the same amount of time as when the water runs out. I run it hot and with lots of steam. That iron still gets the job done.
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