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Old 02-27-2010, 04:03 PM
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Our dogs have 2 dogbeds, the couch, a recliner and a bed on which to sleep. The husky just sleeps on the floor or a dog bed if one is available unless there's a thunderstorm then it's either in the master bedroom on the floor or on the bed if he can. Buddy the boxer gets one of the dog beds or rarely the floor. Maya the shepherd sleeps on furniture or on the kingsize bed with her people. She does sleep on the floor occasionally but she likes to sleep in the doorway to guard us from evil monsters, I guess. What we did to refluff the stuffing in the dogbeds was buy old pillows at a thrift shop and just use the stuffing inside the the dogbeds. If I could find memory foam, I would buy some for dogbeds b/c of the age of our dogs. I have just never seen any or not been looking for it either.
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