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Old 01-04-2020, 07:02 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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Don't know if I will make it or not, but I have less than half of my Clue 6 to finish and I want to get them done today!

The reds I dyed yesterday are just not sticking no matter how much boiling I've done and mostly I've just made the pinks pinker, which does make them a bit more usable if they aren't going to bleed over all the others. Going to go to Walmart after posting this (gotta love not waiting for stores to open in this modern world) and get some Retayne or Rit setting agent or something and hope for the best/try to think of other resolutions.

I just picked up Rob Thomas's Chip Tooth Smile CD that just came out in 2019 as a present to myself because I was needing some new music and wondered what he was up to. Rob was/is the lead man for Matchbox 20, if you liked what they did then, you'll like what he does now. I love the entire album. It's one of those where you want to hear the next song and in sequence, or at least that's how it is for me.
Can't help but dance along to the ironing when this one come's on. (It's on now!)
I Love it

but then slow down and waltz for
It's only Love

Also in my CD player is a bunch of old music, well, the last 20 years or so. I had a favorite radio station but they changed formats a couple of years ago, it used to be described as "Adult Alternative". So more of a softer rock world beat with a lot of acoustic?? KMTT, The Mountain in Seattle. When grunge overtook Seattle and the music scene, it was more Counting Crows than Nirvana. It was nice to have the same station for decades.. but tastes and delivery systems change. When I do my thrift store shopping with the hubby, I look at the CDs and have been able to find a number of collections from the Live Music Lounge as well as various compilation albums. I load them up and it's like 6 hours of commercial free happy noise.

Last edited by Iceblossom; 01-04-2020 at 07:12 AM.
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