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Old 01-04-2020, 09:10 AM
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my poor broken mind is still not wrapped around clue 7, but I am cutting my strip sets this morning, and I get why she wants the pinwheels set up the way she does, well, I think I get it, a specific color next to it will lead off from the specific setting of the pinwheel making an arm or W or something. And starting with the half square cut with pink on top and cut going / sets up those pinwheels correctly. Using the easy angle my first cut is always \ so I'll just be aware of that.

some of what we've cut and not stitched may going into a border treatment too, she has done that before.

I know we have 3 or 4 members here with vision problems, one of the many ways I've adapted my passion for quilting is taking off the left side door on my machine. Can't do it on the vintage ones, but they aren't so bulky. It really opens up with window for seeing what I'm stitching.
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