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Old 01-08-2020, 05:01 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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It's an adjustment, Belfrybat, but you will be glad to for your kindness. I still haven't heard anything further from either the two dogs people or the rescue I wrote to last week. My remaining dog is used to being part of a bonded pair, he is so needy right now it's driving me crazy. He'll be better as part of a pack no matter where he ends up fitting in the order.

I did indeed get all my sewn units for this clue sewn and pressed. I is indeed doubtful that I will do anything further with them today. So tomorrow's goal is to trim all, and turn the portion into pinwheels.

Disclaimer before next section: I took a lot of statistics in college. I worked a lot of years with engineers. I play games based on things like random number tables and while for whatever reason Sudoku doesn't appeal to me, other games with numbers and such things do. I've struggled with randomness in my scrap quilting for years and I've found mathematical ways for me to achieve that. The problem with randomness is that true randomness does often result in ugly. Yes it does! As quilters we want attractive randomness which is really more about balance and advanced forms of symmetry. But we just can't prevent some of the things we don't want to happen from happening.

When I combined this step, I randomized the reds before combinding them with the blues/darks & mediums in their cutting groups. I sewed them in groups of 10-ish but as I pressed the HST I started sorted them into 4 piles. I don't think I had any groups of more than 3 of the same fabric, possible there were 4, some were just very similar. Most repeats were groups of 3 so having 4 stacks would spread them apart. Every now and then I'll take a stack and randomly divide it in half, or put in some blocks on the bottom of some stacks and on the top of others. Then end result is that the different fabrics are pretty well randomized at this point.

Part of me really wants to pick which sets I use for pinwheels, but that's the part I'm trying to tell to loosen up, so I am just going with the first sets in a row to make my pinwheels and hope for the best! I've done really well so far in letting what fabrics come up next to each other stay next to each other, even when less than ideal. I'm glad some of you are looking forward to my top with excitement and anticipation -- I have more concerns and apprehension. I keep telling myself (because it is true) that it is all going to be ok.
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