Old 01-18-2020, 04:35 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 3,996

Well, it sounds like the perfect weekend for a VQW with the lousy weather so many are having. We just had rain although I think there was some sleet before I got up this morning. However, family back in NYS is getting up to 8 inches. Good time to stay in and quilt!

Cheshirepat--I suspect many would be willing to send you their snow and cold weather! If you want to add a plain border, I would definitely add before the piano key border so the piano keys are your outer border.

Watson--did you have your class today?

railroadersbrat--Starching the dickens out of it was going to be my suggestion so glad you figured it out.

Thimblebug6000--very pretty project!

Barb2018--all are welcome to join in! If you are comfortable stippling, maybe that would work to quilt the top. Or since it's a crazy quilt, how about playing with the different stitches on your machine?

QuiltingVagabond---Was your class at The Back Door? If so, I know who your instructor was. I've made a couple Lone Stars with her

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