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Old 02-03-2020, 10:21 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
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Yikes! Looks like I have to go back and look at the clue and then what happens when we put them together to make sure I'm ok, I made all my corners the same.

But, I did have a lot of confusion at first, thinking I had to make matched mirrored pairs of the corner units for the blocks-- because we did have to be careful with the corners of the quilt since we didn't actually make full corner units using the neutrals in the quilt corners

Confusing terminology, quilt corners and corner units!

But for me and my cutting extras, all of my corner units (4-patch, +2 neutral, +1 HST) are the same. I did some extra effort making them as mirror images in one go-around, but when you turn them around they are all the same, so no matter which way you start, you should be able to finish, the only difference is which way the seam goes in the back so long as you are using full units. If you are trying to leave out a neutral square, it matters.

The twisting and turning of these HST has been a continual confusion for me in this project, I usually "get" it pretty fast, but I'm still having issues with it.

Yay me, I have my setting triangles done, no extras. In another one of my math confusion, in order to make all my pre-cut sets into blocks, I'm going to have to make a few more sets of the 4-patch and cut some more neutrals. The good news is I had calculated correctly to get my extra pieces for the setting triangles.

I think I have 4 sets of extra blocks put aside that have those corner units already made. That might be enough for me to go ahead and commit to a layout, but knowing me I'll probably want to make all the extras first. But I'll look at the combinations, I want more red in the top so the pink ones can go to the back and be finished later, but I don't really know what I have left. I've just been pulling random sets from the box. It occurred to me after about my 4th set that maybe it would have been a lot easier to find those from easily matched fabric, instead of trying to match some of those hand dyes which vary from front to back and top to bottom as well. Some pieces are the same color but different designs. Some pieces are identical but just soaked a bit longer so the color saturation is just a bit different.

I really did not expect the issues I'm having with using the hand dyes (didn't expect to have to set them either but there you go), I thought I'd be able to use them like solids. So I learned a lot with this project and these fabrics.

I'll still finish those extra blocks but they will be for the back, I'd like to have this top put together by Valentine's Day -- not quilted, don't know when that will be but to have the top done, the back pieced, and the binding made. Then it goes into the to-be-quilted pile. Which is growing at an alarming rate....

edit/PS: If the blocks are completed as designed, the dark squares will form an X from the corners, through the 4-patch to the dark side of the Blue/Aqua HST. It is completed square to square with the sashing. I always had to double check that I was putting them on the same. If they aren't well that makes a more scrappy look. As designed, the darks make an X and the reds outline a circle.

Last edited by Iceblossom; 02-03-2020 at 10:35 AM.
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