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Old 02-06-2020, 09:03 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,102

Susie, you are doing great! Do you usually make queen sized tops or usually smaller projects? Just that alone is a big difference in a project like this. I prefer queen-sized, it is where my design sense is. I do have problems making/designing small tops. And I haven't seen my grandbundle Leon since Christmas, we're going to be up to 6 months soon -- so much fun!

I had one of those middle of the night nights but I managed to get back to at least a light sleep for a bit. While I was up I frog stitched (rip it rip it) a set of red triangles I had put on the wrong side of the goose. Got this far in the process and this was the first time I had messed that up. But I was having one of those realizations that everything was starting to get harder and maybe it was a good time to quit for the day. Those feelings are generally correct and should be followed sooner rather than later.

So today I have 3 completed sets of subunits for blocks. I have 3 more sets that mostly just have to have the geese made. Estimated time to complete somewhere under 2 hours... If I was in a race probably more like 30 minutes, but hey I'm setting my own schedule here. Then I have those border units to press, and that's the plan for today.

The plan is to lay out the finished blocks tomorrow and select the keepers for the top. I'm going to try not to actually lay it out yet but look more for a pleasing balance of blocks that can be micro-tuned in the next step. I intend to put the sashing on two sides of each of my blocks randomly before final placement. I've done all the fiddling I can with color selection and stuff, it's time to go back to random.

I can get this top together without stressing myself out by Valentines!
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