Thread: Hello from MA
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Old 02-12-2020, 07:48 PM
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 1
Post Hello from MA


My name is Tammie and I'm pretty new to this scene. Over the last year I've bought a lot of quilting supplies, material, books, watched a lot of youtube videos, read a lot, took one quilting class that consisted of 4 sessions, two of which I missed due to an illness and a member there that had an suppressed immune system d/t CA. I did get a baby quilt top finished thanks to the instructor and a lot of help from some other members. I have several projects in the works, ...UFO's lol. I am overwhelmed with emails of different blogs that I've signed up to....I spend more time trying to sort through those rather than practicing 1/4" stitch, new blocks, etc., trying to weed through those and unsubscribe to the one's that aren't the right fit for me....I"m really not experienced and there are a lot of things there that I can be exposed to but don't think I need to do or even attempt to do yet... (still working on that perfect 1/4" stitch remember).

I'm also caring for an elderly gentleman 5 days a week, he's pretty sick, suppose to be 4 hours a day,..that gets very overwhelming as well. Leaves me exhausted most days. I worry about him. That's an understatement.

The first thing that I learned and remembered since starting last Feb. was "Measure twice, cut once" I've managed to cut myself twice, the second time ending with 7 stitches from the ER to my thumb. I had not heard about gloves I could wear while using the rotary cutter lol!
It's been a great beginning of a new journey I hope I get to travel a long while. I am happy I somehow in a search for something, came across this quilting board. I've never belonged to a board of any type and not sure how it works. So, I'll be the fly on the wall, watching, reading, and eventually chiming in...

Happy Stitchin' to ya'll
(in MA by way of TX)

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