Thread: Irons
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Old 07-03-2020, 09:12 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 120

OK, I have bought what I thought were good irons, as well as less expensive irons, and they all seem to last just a few years. So what I have decided to do from now on, is if I'm at a garage sale, or a thrift store, and I see a decent iron at a good price, I just buy it, if a used iron last a year or 2, good enough, if it winds up that I have hoarded a few irons in the closet, I'm OK with that, because when my iron dies in the middle of the night when I'm doing a project, which has happened, I just whip one out of my hoard and continue on my merry way. When I die and my children go thru my sewing room they will be horrified, but so it goes. Worse habits in life.
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