Thread: Sewmagic
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Old 07-10-2020, 11:45 AM
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It's a badged machine. Most likely made in Japan in the 60's. Something about it makes me think it's a Brother. I know next to nothing on Japanese machines, but I seem to remember Cari saying a very similar one was a Brother.

In the 60's, Everyone sold sewing machines including department stores, dime stores, mail order and independent stores. There were just so many makers, most in Japan. So that companies didn't compete with the same machine in the same city, you could get your own "badge" on your machine. Often a sewing machine would be sold at Western Auto (as an example) as a "xyz" and the same machine might have been sold at Woolworths as a "def" machine and yet sold again as a "jkl" at Macy's. I had a machine that I was able to determine at was sold under 5 different names.

So, what you are looking for is a machine that looks like yours. Generally speaking, it will be exactly like yours with a different name. That's how you'll find a manual for it - by the way it looks.

Sorry, I'm no more help. I settled on Singer machines a few years back and am not so familiar with the Japanese machines.

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