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Old 08-02-2020, 10:11 AM
Mona G
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: I live in Wisconsin, but I grew up in Iowa
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Originally Posted by Iceblossom
All this wonderful work and everything so different! I'm still looking at books and trying to get ideas and plan ahead and such but it goes out the window each time I see the next rounds -- and I can hardly wait to see what Mary adds to Bonnie's center once she gets it even though it won't come back to me. I'm going to miss having this center around, it is just so awesome to show other people, but I know I felt like that with Rebecca's center and that I'll feel the same when the next one comes so it will be all ok.

Yesterday we picked up the parts machine very easily and nicely and smoothly. They had signs on the road and they had the sold items basically arranged in the pick up time slots, we were a little early but no one was before us so we showed the receipt, picked up the machine and left, under my allotted 5 minutes of time. On the way back we picked up the fresh eggs for this week, plus an extra dozen for one of my Tuesday group ladies.

I've been cleaning up my cutting and sewing areas a bit. Feels good to do it, I like to work in wide open spaces and not just little cleared spots. Not only was cutting fluff piling up, but some how furniture around here starts growing fabric like moss on trees... You can almost see the couch, or at least you can tell it is a couch!

Hubby enjoyed the road trip last week and took another day off and we are going to do a shorter one on Monday. I think my knee is in better shape this week than last (last week didn't hurt but I sure didn't move well), but that changes on an hourly basis. He/we were both quite large when we met on-line many years ago, he now weighs half of his max weight and is in better shape than when he was in high school. So old Todd didn't go on walks and stuff -- new Todd does When we went out/did something it usually involved eating, so instead of eating for an hour now we go for a nice walk.

Still planning on going to the post office either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning, so still time to prepare some things for mailing. Mona, would you like some random greens or do you have some specific desires? Easy enough for me to share pictures too. I need to know sizes you want as well as colors, most of my fabric now is less than 3 yards but over 6.5", I no longer save the little bits and cutting fluff goes to a crumb quilter here on the boards.

random is fine it will be like Christmas. PM me your address so I can mail you the yellows, once you get mine you can send me the greens.
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