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Old 08-21-2020, 04:43 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,164

We've cooled down a bit, not quite as much as was forecasted but we got a sprinkle of rain last night. Hoping it stays cooler (70s) and doesn't get too muggy. Expected to go back up into the 80s next week but we can deal with that ok. 90s lately are just awful though without A/C.

Yesterday was taken up a bit with helping my son with some car repairs. They only have the one vehicle, son had made an appointment with our trusted shop near me, so dropped it off there. We went to Costco, picked up a few things, ran an errand or two and the shop called that it wasn't the brakes, it was the bearings and most likely they would have to keep it over night. So took him back home, delivered the groceries, made plans to take DDiL to work this morning, and was just about to settle down when we got the call that the shop had gotten it done but was closing in 10 minutes! LOL, we seriously got there with 30 seconds to spare, but they are all good guys and the shop doesn't exactly lock its doors right on time anyway.

So we drove in prime rush hour traffic in two cars this time -- but one thing about lockdown is traffic was wonderful, even if there is less parking in the city (cars are home and not at work). I worked for years with traffic engineers and for once/maybe the first time in Seattle I was driving the roads as they were designed for the load. Instead of Thursday rush hour it was like... I don't know... 5:00 AM Sunday morning?? Traffic was moving free and clear and we got there in 20 minutes instead of the 45 or so that it would have been a year ago.

Any way, a damp cool day sounds perfect for playing with fabric Hope you all have a good one too.
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