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Old 08-29-2020, 12:59 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: North Wales
Posts: 473

Good morning all! (well, it's morning here, lol)

I have a finish!! Finally done with my Christmas tree skirt - yay!

Copying Quossum's report style (because I find the approach interesting, albeit my content may be less so...)

Quilt Origin - I've wanted to make a Christmas tree skirt pretty much since I started quilting in the late 90s. It took until maybe 2-3 years ago for me to actually start one (not too sure on exact start date). I love the Carpenters Star block, and knew I wanted to do a massive one for this project.

Why it became a UFO - my quilting time has been rather stop-start for the past few years, and I would pick it up again in late Nov/early Dec thinking "Must get that finished this year", do a bit, Christmas would arrive and leave, and I'd put it aside thinking "I'll do it for next year"... In all fairness this is my 'newest' UFO - the others I have are all working on a decade plus of neglect, lol. It's not as if this is the most difficult project I've attempted, which is possibly part of the issue, in that I would think I'll fly through finishing it and then.... not.

Why I finally finished - I'm actually positively trying to put aside time for quilting the past couple of months (well, since the virus lockdown really) since I know it is good for my mental health. It was at 'top put together, but not quilted yet' stage. Since I handquilted it (which I'm rather proud of) it took a little longer than it might have, but it is now finally all done.

Quilt's fate - being put with the Christmas decorations to be used round our tree this year!

Hope the photos post...
Attached Thumbnails q-tree-skirt-finish.jpg   q-tree-skirt-quilting-detail-august-2020.jpg  
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